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Please get in touch with us by using the chat widget in the bottom right corner.

You can use the widget to resolve order issues, get refunds, answer questions, get advice, check shipping, and much more!

Something wrong with your order? Please message us!

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Our system now handles replacements fully automatically! No more waiting if your order arrived with some dead plants… just chat with Botbeard and get a replacement queued up instantly!

Meet Botbeard the Pirate

Botbeard is our new AI-powered bot trained on all of the knowledge we could possibly give it about aquariums, aquarium plants, and our products. He can answer questions about any product we sell with extreme detail, he can help you find your order status or expedite a late order, and most importantly he can help you figure out exactly which plants to add to your tank and which will grow in your tank. He’s trained to know brands of lights, brands of substrate, and tank parameters to determine if a plant will grow specifically in your tank.

You can also ask Botbeard to chat with a person, and you’ll connect right up to us. No worries about fighting bots to speak with a human.

Try Botbeard the AI Bot now (or chat with us live) by clicking the chat in the bottom right corner.

You can try:

”Where’s my order?”

”What plants come in the King’s Ransom bundle?”

”I have a Hygger light and eco complete substrate with no CO2, can I grow Ludwigia Inclinata Meta?”

”Can you recommend some good plants for my jungle themed tank?”

”Which plants will grow in my tank?”