Mystery Snails - Assorted Beautiful Colorful Home-Bred Mystery Snails

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These are our beautiful home-bred mystery snails! We have snails in almost every color, and we’ll pick out a nice mixture of colors if you order multiple. They’re some of the best snails for your tank- they’re easy to keep, hardy, keep your tank clean, and don’t reproduce quickly like other snails.

We recommend 1 snail per 5 gallons. Larger tanks can hugely benefit from more snails!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Mystery snails get very stressed our during shipping. Once they arrive, they’ll likely hide in their shell for 1-2 days before finally coming out and exploring. Please be patient after they arrive!

2 Day shipping is not required for snails but is highly recommended.

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3x Trumpet Snails (Home Bred)
2x Assassin Snails (Home-Bred)
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