Rotala Mexicana 'Goias' [Rare RED CARPETING Rotala!]

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Rotala Mexicana Goias is a gorgeous carpeting rotala that spreads wide rather than tall, and grows into amazingly colorful hues of pink, red, gold, and green. It’s a perfect plant for adding color to the foreground of higher tech tanks!

This product will include 2-3 healthy stems of Rotala Mexicana ‘Goias’.

Foreground to Midground plant. It grows outwards and creates a big creeping bush.

MED TECH PLANT - This plant does NEED strong lighting. No, a hygger light is not strong enough, you need 1W per Gallon minimum to grow this plant. However, it doesn’t need CO2.

Achin' for it soon? Add yer' email and we'll tell ye when this item be back!
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